29 August 2006

0 for 2

I started the lace scarf. Although it is something in my chemise, it isn't on my priority list, but I don't care. I've been wanting to try this for a long time and I have the yarn. (Dani, we need to get you a chemise - a French notebook wherein we keep patterns that are on the front burner.)

Revelation Number 1: I am officially over my need to buy bargain yarn at non-LYS such as Michaels. Acrylic posing as mohair = yuk. I was there. I'm no longer at that place. Thank god. I quickly realized upon starting the scarf that it wasn't going to be pretty -- not the scarf, not knitting it. Someday (soon) when I purchase lovely yarn, I'll be delighted to take up this project again. Maybe I'll wander into a few LYS in Seattle this weekend in search of said yarn. :)

Revelation Number 2: The Kate, take 2. I had a hard enough time starting The Kate since casting on 6 sts and joining in the round was not in my repetoire. I started over many times and finally succeed with something that looked more or less ok. I even got 12 rounds knitted. As it was time for bed I realized Revelation Number 2: knitting with the wrong yarn makes you want to cry. Yes, all that time and effort, and I was knitting with Kate's shirt yarn, not Kate's pants yarn. Waah! I'm chalking it up to good practice. Perhaps I'll start anew tonight.


redhotknitter said...

Keep trying on the Kate! It gets easier by the third or fourth try. And the second one goes way faster! Good luck on finding yarn for the other project. I'm over cheap yarn too. It sucks. Good luck on the Kate. I'll see you MOnday or Thursday if you need help!

loriev said...

Update on Kate, take 2. It was easier and I even got to round 21 this time. The only problem is that I want to knit instead of getting other stuff done that really needs my attention...ho hum.

yarnchica said...

Thank Goodness you both have become yarn snobs with me. The only yarn that is not LYS that I enjoy is the Peaches and Cream for discloths from Mason Dixon....Oh snobbiness is the only way to go in knitting. Unfortunately for me it means fewer projects...which in turn has led to an obession with lace. I am so frugal it is pathetic! :) I guess I do need a french little notebook for all my proposed projects. I feel so dirty using my cheap walmart notebook that holds odds and ends of info..but mainly knitting related. Good luck on this attempt with Kate. When you knit the lucy bag you have to knit 8 into a circle, so you will be ready for it after this project. It took me about a week to get the hang of it, paired with a LOT of cursing!. Happy knitting.