02 September 2007

summer knitting

I haven't had my usual knitting time with school and all, but I ended up hammering through a few projects. I finished the POW shawl redeux after Missy the wonderdog ate the first one. And to think I used to complain that I didn't have the excuse that the dog ate my homework...

I also finished the Monkey socks previously blogged about. Thanks Aimee, for the great birthday yarn. And I made Charade socks with some yarn I got from my Sockapalooza 4 pal. It's fun yarn to work with I like the way it turned out. I am usually not a pink person but I like these socks a lot.

Finally I made a Clapotis out of Lanas Puras Fingering weight yarn. Feels like buttah! So soft, so smooth, so warm for the CO winter. I can't wait. I know so many people who don't want summer to end but I love the cooler weather. I am sad to say that I won't have a new hand knit sweater for fall, but that's okay. Nursing school wins out this year. This may be all the knitting I successfully complete for quite a while! We have an incredibly busy fall ahead of us.

Happy Fall Knitting and Happy Birthday Aimee!

Sorry for the crap photos. I had okay light and then right as I took the 2nd picture the sun went behind a cloud and the room got very dark. I don't have time or energy to seek out a better spot so this is what I have to live with. Someday I will get better.


redhotknitter said...

I want to see another photo of the Clapotis stretched out. It looks so benign lying there. No one can know the true power until you stretch it!

Feeling way better today. Took your advice-no work.

yarnchica said...

glad you feel better. stretching it out is a bit hard when one is alone. I will have Steve help when he gets back with a photoshoot.