09 April 2007


Oh the doggy, oh the Print 'o the Wave, oh the tragedy. Dani, I feel for ya.

Over in my neck of the woods not much knitting is happening. I've actually been reading(!) and have otherwise kept occupied with a social life and activities such as the shooting of guns, slingshots, bows and arrows. It's true. Part of my knitting hiatus stems from the fact that I have yet to find decide upon yarn for two sweaters in the chemise. So I busied myself last night organizing my pattern stash. One binder is now two. Ideas are brewing. Yarn shopping will take place this weekend, I hope.

I never posted my finished scarf (partially finished photo posted earlier) or the one I made after that, or the hat. Oh well. That was on my trip in February. I am looking forward to the Year of the Sweater. Maybe even the Year of the Sock.

Happy knitting, studying, and moving to ya!


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